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Q&A with Tim McPherson

Global Regulatory Leader

Bachelor of Science degree in landscape architecture, Michigan State University


What do you do for Douglas Products?

I am in charge of the global regulatory affairs for all pesticide products at Douglas Products. I also oversee the company’s on-staff Ph.D. entomologist as well as a network of regulatory, R&D and technical consultants. Working with outside consultants in the United States and overseas gives us the expertise needed in the markets we serve.

Your background?

I have been in the pesticide industry since 1991. I started with Griffin in Valdosta, Georgia, one of the very first generic pesticide companies. I moved to Delaware in 2004 when DuPont Crop Protection acquired Griffin. I also worked a short time for Landis International, a regulatory consultant company. I joined Douglas Products two years ago. I have had the opportunity to work in many functions during my career. I have worked as an information specialist, supply chain manager, as well as state, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and international registration manager. I was also very fortunate to work as the Europe, Middle East and Africa registration manager for three years while living in Belgium.

How did you learn about structural fumigation?

Because most of my career was in agriculture, I had to learn the terminology of structural fumigation and the world of our fumigation customers. The best training I received was attending the fumigation school in Florida one month after joining Douglas Products. Not only was the training excellent, but I got to sit with the people who do the work every day.

Favorite part of the job?

The variability of this job makes it interesting. Situations change all the time, and no two days are ever the same. What helps me deal with that is the great people I work with — our commercial marketing and sales team, fumigators, distributors, pest control association members and our consultants. In regulatory, nothing is ever a quick fix, so to solve problems you need to work with others, including regulatory officials, political folks and property owners. Vikane® gas fumigant is needed by property owners, and it remains on the market because people are willing to work together.

Your industry involvement?

I serve as the Douglas Products lead person on the fumigation committees for both the National Pest Management Association and for the Association of Structural Pest Control Regulatory Officials. The amount of stewardship with structural fumigants, such as Vikane, is significant because it is a high-profile pesticide and one that involves consumers directly. Stewardship and the proper use of Vikane is necessary all the way from the manufacturer through distribution and fumigation companies. Everyone needs to be in sync.

How do you like to relax?

I like to fish and golf, and enjoy time with my granddaughter and two grandsons.

Something that might surprise people?

How I got my start in regulatory. At the time, there was no college that offered a degree in regulatory affairs. For the first three years of college, I was a physics major. I loved math and wanted to be like Carl Sagan, searching through the billions of stars in our universe. However, after a long, lonely day in the lab, I decided that was not what I wanted to do. I like interacting with people, so I switched to landscape architecture. My first job out of college was working for a small landscape company in Michigan. I learned quickly that during the long winters in Michigan, landscapers plow snow and that was not a good way to see the sunshine. During a visit with my parents in Georgia, I found a job opening posted at Griffin. So, I bought some khaki pants, typed up a resume and convinced them to hire me to manage the filing systems in their Regulatory department. Before long, I was hooked on the exciting world of pesticide registration.


®Vikane is a federally Restricted Use Pesticide.