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California Regulatory Update

Tim McPherson, Global Regulatory Leader


Led by Pest Control Operators of California (PCOC), the fumigation industry recently met with the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) to present new information supporting structural fumigation. The focus of this meeting was the use of Vikane® gas fumigant on large jobs. In its consideration of possible regulatory changes, DPR has previously focused on structural fumigation of single-family homes only. Industry believes that the role of structural fumigants to protect condominiums, apartments and other large and multifamily structures from pests, also needs to be considered. Larger structures impact environmental justice as people living in them lack the means to own their own single-family home but must have a place to live.

The following day the Douglas Products regulatory issues team presented technical information relating to bystander exposure. Both meetings were positive, and we appreciate DPR officials taking the time to give us their attention.


®Vikane is a federally Restricted Use Pesticide.