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Trusted by Homeowners, Preferred by Fumigation Professionals.


What Is Vikane® Gas Fumigant?

Vikane® gas fumigant is the No. 1 brand in whole-structure termite fumigation. A proven drywood termite treatment option for more than 55 years, it has protected more than 2 million homes, historical landmarks, churches, museums, research facilities, colleges, hotels and even ships.

Benefits and Uses

Vikane penetrates the entire treated area to eliminate target pests without damaging property or leaving residue.

Controlling Termites

Drywood termites cause an estimated $300 million in damage each year in California alone.

Tackling Bed Bugs

Bedbugs hitchhike from one location to another. Even though adults and nymphs may be killed, surviving eggs can hatch later to renew the infestation.

Better Protection, Together

Structural fumigation is the only proven method that eliminates 100 percent of drywood termite colonies. Effective fumigation is a team effort that involves the property owner, the pest management company, the licensed fumigation crew and support from Douglas Products and its distributors. We work together to provide better protection from one of the most destructive pests in the United States, better than any other company in the industry.


Training & Resources

Because fumigation is a highly specialized pest control service, companies and individuals must meet strict licensing requirements. Regular training is needed to help ensure that crews understand and follow all label directions. Additionally, users of Vikane® gas fumigant must successfully complete annual stewardship training.


Douglas Products is committed to certification, ongoing training and stewardship programs that keep you up to date, help ensure results and help you communicate with homeowners.

Success Stories

Vikane gas fumigant has been a leader in the industry for more than 55 years. Here are some examples of how drywood termite infestations have been eliminated.

Homeowner Education

Douglas Products developed FumigationFacts.com, an award-winning website, to help educate homeowners.


Everything you need and everything you need to know. It’s all right here.

Stay Informed With Vikane® Insider

Vikane® Insider is an online information portal for fumigators and pest management companies that sell and perform structural fumigations. It provides customers the information they need to stay current with industry matters and to help their businesses succeed.